The Hudson Valley Apprenticeship program provides education and support to ten apprentices at six farms across the Hudson Valley. Last month, we introduced you to apprentices Betty Bastidas and Kanav Kathuria. This month, we’d like you to meet Eric Visconti.
Eric is apprenticing at Stonewood Farm in Millbrook. Stonewood’s immaculate market garden, which grows over 100 varieties of high-quality vegetables and herbs, is run by former Glynwood apprentices Ellie Brown (2020) and Andie Mitchell (2021).
Eric Visconti (he/him)
“I’ve been thinking a lot about the balance between consumption and creation.”
Eric has a lot of energy—and a lot of interests. Prior to joining the team at Stonewood, Eric was living in California, where he worked in photo and video production in addition to his farming activities. Eric also has a culinary background. While growing up in Syracuse, NY, he worked at his stepfather’s BBQ restaurant for thirteen years. Eric brings his passions for both culinary arts and photography with him to Stonewood.
What is something you’re excited to learn? “I’m excited to learn more about food in general – it seems like there’s always more to learn about what we eat, what we put in our bodies. I like that learning to grow food allows me to become more self-sustainable.”
What do you envision for your future farm? “I want depth. I want to cultivate intimate and genuine connections, from how I engage in relationships (for example, face-to-face or via social media), to how I eat (am I growing my own food, or buying from a grocery store?), to how I spend my time (am I watching tv or engaging in art?). Creating more intimacy in my life with my surroundings is the overarching drive in my future farm vision.”
Where were you one year ago today? ”I was in California, in the process of helping start a new commercial cannabis farm from the ground up. We were brainstorming and installing an irrigation system. I was spending lots of time trenching using a skid steer and an excavator, and working with local and state regulatory agencies to bring the farm up to code.”
Stay tuned next month to meet more farmers-in-training from the Hudson Valley Apprenticeship program.