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Growing Food Sovereignty: National Practitioners' Virtual Convening

Thursday, June 10 | 6-8 PM Eastern, 5-7 PM Central, 3-5 PM Pacific
This is an online event hosted on Zoom. Link information will be sent separately.

This event is by invitation only. If you have peers you think should be included, please be in touch with Megan Larmer at to request and invitation for them.

You are invited to join us in a national convening of project leaders, like yourself, to learn about each other's work, share best practices, and begin to envision the potential for a national community of practice focused on resourcing farmers and food access professionals to work together at a local, state, and/or regional scale.

The last year has made evident the many the ways in which dominant food systems are failing small-scale farmers and people facing food insecurity. It has also demonstrated the incredible creativity and resourcefulness of communities nationwide to create solutions that work beyond and outside of those systems to feed people in need.

A key development has been the surge in projects that pay farmers to grow food for hunger relief and food access projects.

The Glynwood Center for Regional Food and Farming and TomKat Ranch Educational Foundation believe that it's time to recognize that this is more than an emergency response: this is a movement to grow food security, and one that we can encourage to expand and grow through working together.