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Snapshots from Regional Cooking for Health

By Megan Larmer, Regional Food Program Director

On November 12th, Glynwood held its first Regional Cooking for Health workshop. This day of experiential learning aimed to educate, engage, and inspire health care professionals to work within their sphere of influence to promote health outcomes for individuals by finding ways to increase the consumption of nutrient rich foods produced with regenerative practices. We wish you all could have been there! But since you couldn’t, enjoy these snapshots of our favorite moments.

Glynwood’s Director of Regional Food introduces the group to a delicious late season green from Glynwood’s farm - can you name it?

Participants get inspired by shared experiences and recipes. Kathleen Finlay, Glynwood’s President (2nd from the right) is clearly ready to get cooking.

Chef Dr. Robert Graham walks attendees through the meal they will be cooking together under the kind and talented guidance of Chef Rich La Marita.

Risotto gets an upgrade with delicious turnip greens from Glynwood’s farm.

Chef La Marita gives the star treatment to Glynwood-Grazed flank steak.

Proud chefs ready to share a Long Island Cheese Pumpkin bread pudding with the group.

Conviviality and conversation as participants share a meal and ideas for tangible actions to promote regional, regenerative farming within the health sector.